Saturday, June 25, 2011

Just bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" Tablet computer running Android. This is one little amazing machine. It can do a lot, but not everything. For example, I cannot get 3G internet, T-Mobile is forcing me to buy an addtional data plan which I will not do because I don't have to (and don't have the money either). I also cannot watch Netflix on the unit which would have been perfect.

I do like the ability to make calls and surf internet when a wi-fi connection is present. I also appreciate the super high quality screen and sleek and lightweight interface. The additional installed apps are a nice touch and it's obvious Samsung put a bit of effort into this machine to make it a nice experience for it's user.

Upgraded to the latest operating system this morning (Gingerbread). It went off without a hitch and now my tablet runs quicker and smoother than before which makes me happy happy happy! I'd really like to do a full review some day, which should be sooner than later because I don't want to wait too long, then I won't want to do it anymore.

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