Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cambodia Trip

Looking forward to my trip in Cambodia. My hairdresser invited me to go with her family. I will be traveling with my hairdresser, her husband, and their 2 small children. Well, I won't actually be travelling with them. They will arrive about 3 days before me. I'll probably call them up and we'll probably do lunch or something and maybe take in some sights.

If my hairdresser did not invite me to Cambodia I would never go. I never think about this country. It's a poor country, dusty, and dirty, but charming like most SE Asian countries. They are taking a page out of Thailand's book and offering cooking classes, tours on elephant back, boating and the like. Like other parts of SE Asia hotels and food are cheap. Hopefully I won't spend much because I don't have much to spend, only working 3 days/week.

I'd like to work 4 days but it's been tough with the economy the way it is. I've been sending out resumes with little success. I still love the Pac NW. The laid back and relaxed lifestyle is so different than SF. They say CA style is laid back. Maybe it used to be like that, I don't think either Norcal or SoCal are laid back anymore. The pace of life is really fast in both areas and super competitive.

Hopefully I'll come into some money later in the year so I can build my Hackintosh. It's a regular PC but with a Apple Macintosh operating system. I'm not even sure if this will work or not, but there's little downside. If it doesn't work, I'll just throw Windows on it and that will be that. I estimate it will cost about $800 which is kind of a lot for a new computer, and I even have the case and everything. I just need some the processor, motherboard, RAM and some other things.

Already planning my next trip to Asia. Hopefully I'll have money to spend next year. I already have enough miles on United for another free flight. I plan to cancel this Mileage Plus card at some point next year so that I won't be stuck with the annual fee. I think this will be it for the United Mileage program, for me anyways. It was nice participating. I got just enough miles for Asia. From here on out it's all Southwest.

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