Friday, October 2, 2009

ATM Gripe

ATM machines around here definitely do not service the people as well as San Francisco Bay area. Every time I goto Wells Fargo ATM here in Seattle or Federal Way there's only 1 machine. That's right! 1 machine! Back in SF at the bare minimum there would always be 2 atm machines, if not 3 or 4. Granted the pace of life here is slower, but I have had to wait in line about half the time. Usually it's only 1 or 2 people, but there have been as long as 4 or 5 people before.

Living here has definitely been good. I feel like I'm healing and I'm healthier than I was in SF. I picked up some firewood from a toothless old man selling firewood from the back of his pickup. The wood was unseasoned, but at least he warned me ahead of time. I'll let it sit for a couple months before using it. Well, I was tempted to burn on small log, but had a hard time. I'll have to consult one of my uncles one of these days to find out how to light these big logs because it's definitely not easy.

I didn't pass my restorative exam unfortunately. That makes 2 exams I have to pass before I'm good. A lot of work. I'm not looking forward to the preparation. Work is going ok, patients still like me and I like working for Geriatric very much. I have to learn to be nice and bring cookies like the other employees do.

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